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Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist.and New York Times bestselling author
The Disengaged Teen: Helping Kids Learn Better, Feel Better, and Live Better
Co-Founder of Challenge Success and Senior Lecturer at the Stanford University School of Education
One Size Does Not Fit All
Bestselling author of How Children Succeed, Helping Children Succeed, and The Years That Matter Most
Beyond Smart: How Grit, Curiosity, and Character Help Kids Succeed and Thrive
Professor at Northwestern University, Co-Director of Northwestern’s Center for Human Computer Interaction + Design, and Faculty Founder of Design for America
Preparing Leaders of Innovation
William James and Vilas Research Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mindfulness and Education: Cultivating Emotional Intelligence
Huffington Foundation-Brené Brown Endowed Chair at the Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston
The Wholehearted Child: Guideposts for Helping Children Cultivate a Resilient and Hopeful Spirit
Staff writer for The New York Times Magazine and the Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law at Yale Law School
Let’s Start Drama: Bullying and the Law
Staff writer for The New York Times Magazine and the Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law at Yale Law School
Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying with Character and Empathy
Director of Child, Adolescent, and Family Services at The Family Institute at Northwestern University